Sunday, February 6, 2011

Fun Times This Week

Mason has really started liking bath time now that he can sit up and splash with a reasonably high likelihood of NOT falling over and bumping his head or getting a face full of water.  Here are a couple of Internet-appropriate bath time pictures.  

You're probably sick of seeing "Mason in the exersaucer" pictures, but he has such a good time in there, I can get really good pictures.  And I don't have to worry about him getting in to anything he shouldn't be getting into.  Although he's not crawling yet, he is really getting good at maneuvering on his tummy.  He pivots on his belly and sometimes slides himself backwards.

We visited Uncle Andrew's place yesterday.  Leo is getting big!  He's about half Mason's size already (Mason weighed in at 22 lbs, 28 in at his doc appt this week).  As you will notice in the icture, Mason is looking at Andrew a little warily.  He still hasn't gotten over his stranger danger with Andrew.

Uh-oh!  Uncle Andrew is too close for comfort!  Look at the cryin' cousins!  

Mason was checking his cousin out.  As you can see, the little guy's not so little!  What a cute little face!

While Mason isn't quite comfortable with Andrew, he LOVES Ashley and allows her to hold him without fear.  Andrew thought that Mason's comfort with Ashley might give him an opportunity to get in for a kiss on the cheek.  Not so much...

Mason pushes off of Ashley's collar bone to get away.  He also uses this technique to avoid medicine and solid food.

Mason's just not a "man's man," yet.  He loves the ladies.  Hopefully, he will grow out of this and begin to appreciate his male relatives!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow Day for Adults!!!

We are getting absolutely HAMMERED with snow today.  I've always missed the snow days of my childhood.  But today, with snow significant enough to prevent safe travel, even the adults are getting a snow day here in the midwest.  I'm loving it.  I'm doing some laundry catch-up, baking a few cookies (admittedly, from a pre-made fundraiser dough purchased from my sisters), playing with my kid and just RELAXING!

Here's some pictures of the current conditions in Columbia--very blizzard-like.  Heck, there's no "-like" about's a blizzard.

As you can see, we're getting plenty of snow.  I actually opened the patio door and screen to take these pictures, so the reduced visibility is real.

Mason is such a good baby!  He's over here playing with toys and actually giving Mommy a chance to do this post.  Better let you all get a glimpse and then get back to being semi-productive.  :-)

Because I can't help myself, here are two other pictures from last night when the wiggle worm was actually being calm!

Smiling Mason...

and staring Mason.  I love this kid.

Stay warm where you are!