Thought I'd do a little catch-up from the past couple months. Mason's gotten bigger, faster, and busier than ever. The kid is talking, understanding, disobeying, following instructions, getting frustrated with the gaps between his feelings and his "words," and just generally amazing us with his development.
Uncle Alex (aka "Al-duh" in Mason talk) visits fairly frequently despite his busy work/college schedule. Here he and Mason were playing catch. Mason literally was able to catch the ball when gently tossed from Alex...
He's just getting so big. This picture makes him look like a total big boy. I don't see a barely one-year old here (he was probably about 13 months in this one). Mason's sporting an OKC Thunders top courtesy of Gma & Gpa Gaines (avid Thunders fans). Maybe one day Mason will get to go to a game with them!
Mason loves going outside ("ow-tie"). As you can see, the kid is still chomping on his hands regularly. With four teeth coming through in the past month, you can understand why!
After a short walk around the neighborhood over Labor Day weekend, Mason was conked out in his stroller. Mommy took advantage of this and got a bit done before moving him to a more comfortable location! (Can you blame me?)
Cousin Leo came over to visit (and play in Mason's cottage) one day. You can tell Mason to "go push the ding-dong [in sing-song tune]" and he will run over and, well, push the ding-dong (aka doorbell).
Leo will probably be running after Mason before too long! He was over at our place and crawled the entire stair case (with his Daddy's close supervision)!!! What a blue-eyed doll he is.
A quick trip back to NW MO provided a chance for Mason to get his first tractor ride. While we were moving, Mason was a happy camper. When we stopped, he was done. He also wanted me up in the cab with him (thank goodness for the buddy seat...pretty sure Gpa Steiner didn't want me and Mason on his lap...).
In this picture (which Mason looked at just a little bit ago and squealed in high-pitched baby jabber "truh-ter, truh-ter," Mason and Gpa's smiles kind of look similar. Maybe it's just me...
Mason is full of energy. On our farm trip, Mason enjoyed running back and forth between his aunts, arms extended before take-off, as if to say "are you ready for me?"
He even got the head-tilt into it. What a little ham!
Aunt Martha (Mason was saying "Auh Nuh" when I was showing him this picture prior to posting this blog entry) was more than happy to let Mason rough-house with her.
As you can see, Mason was having a blast.
He smiles so proudly sometimes; it's so adorable.
Aunt Kirsten was treated to a little less wild and craziness. Mason was enjoying pushing and stacking these [super cheap, great deal] clothes baskets. My mom is always finding good deals at Wal-Mart...75 cents for these, I think...?
See what I mean about busy? This kid goes from one thing to the next, terrorizing all around him (in a loving, fun way, mostly).
Well, this may just qualify as terrorizing.
Ouch, that might've hurt.
I'll try to post a little more quickly next time. Thank you, Stacey for encouraging me to get this done.